Manifesto of a young Interaction Designer

1.   I view design as a collaborative process whereas you always learn more about yourself, your team, your users, and your community. I want to use creative practices to address the deepest challenges our communities face.

2.   I work toward sustainability. I believe our designs should last longer, function better and have less to none negative impact on our environment. Profitability and market share shouldn’t overshadow sustainability but enhance it.

3.   I design to understand, heal, and build. As a designer who is dealing with mental disorders, I want my designs to advocate for mental health and be accessible to more people. My design connects people, breaks the boundaries, brings happiness, and eases the pain of people.

4.   I design to free the imagination from oppressive systems. My first graded assignment received a zero because I used my left hand to draw on the wrong side of the paper and up-side-down. They also taught me to never use my left hand because “it’s wrong.” As I grow up, I realize there are many things I have to unlearn and learn. I believe the design process, like many aspects of life, is always can be improved, innovated, and learned and unlearned.

5.   I prioritize design what people need rather than what people want. I see the role of the designer is to find the true needs of people and solve the problems.

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3 thoughts on “Manifesto of a young Interaction Designer

  1. I love number 5! I would totally love to follow your entire manifesto. I also feel akin with your desire to be free from oppresssive systems in design. I think it’s important to always try to include a piece of yourself in the work you do and in doing that you are going against the system. Keep drawing upside down with your left hand!

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