SciFi &Ethics

After watching the Black Mirror, there are some ethical issues in the technology of this movie. Because of the rating function, people are trying to be a nice person to attract people’s attention. The problem is the technology is forcing the people to get a good score rather than represent their real feeling and opinion. This is an ethical dilemma for the people in this movie because people only consider the rates that are the only way to represent their value. This is not the best living way for me. The most exciting way is the interactive design, and the user interface is designed correctly. The UI design and user experience are very professional. The dislike aspects are ethical issues and fake personal behaviour to represent a nice person. More importantly, there are many data and confidential information shared with big companies, such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. These technologies are using our personal information and habit to use in the business purpose.

For example, when we search for shoes and clothes on Amazon, the Amazon website will recommend some similar products and predict your habits. Interestingly, Instagram is the social media platform that attracts many people to use it. Users post beautiful pictures and lovely stories that only want to attract people’s attention and collect fans. YouTube is a similar platform. In this situation, we are very closed to the scenarios in the Black Mirror Nosedive clips and Altered Carbon. Information privacy is the most critical aspect of this modern society. We should focus on technology that does not affect personal privacy, such as habits, lifestyle, etc. People should have the right to choose their preferred way instead of these technologies, which cannot represent our real feelings and attitudes.

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SciFi & Ethics

Watch the clips from these Science Fiction television shows.

Write a post to the class blog and discuss the ethics of the technology shown in these shows and what would have to happen for our current tech and interactions to evolve to these states as shown. Is this how you would like to live? What aspects seem interesting and worth it? What aspects don’t and why? How close are we to the scenarios shown in the Black Mirror Nosedive clips versus The Feed versus Altered Carbon?

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