*This is a personal prediction of the future IoT system development. It may be biased or inaccurate because of my limited knowledge.
IoT serves for human wellness. It aims to strengthen humanity in a way that elevates the living quality of minority groups that don’t enjoy the same amount of resources & rights.
The IoT system will be split into 4 layers of dimension: IoT Global, IoT Nation, IoT City & IoT home/office. Each dimension has its own transfer protocol and database. There isn’t necessarily a hierarchy between each dimension, but certain information may be transferred or shared between dimensions.

The 4 dimensions of IoT each takes care of certain aspect of humanity growth.
IoT Global
IoT Global is in control of environmental protection. It collects data from the local base station across the world, monitoring global weather trends, animal species, as well as other natural resources. After generating the data, it sends reports to each IoT nation with suggested commands.
IoT Nation
IoT Nation is set in behave of each country. It traces criminals, controls national industry productions, and regulates imports/exports. It also pays attention to the allocation of resources across the country, making sure the financial, educational, and medical resources are distributed properly based on the region’s development.
IoT City
IoT City connects all citizens with public resources in the city. It provides special benefits and personalized help to individuals with disabilities, including prior reservation in the theatres, personal assistance at the museum, and all-time disabled parking reservation across the city. It also connects the city’s medical system with the city’s surveillance system, assuring the effectiveness of the emergency cover when people are in danger.
IoT home/office
IoT home/office aims to improve human’s living and working experiences. It focuses on individual preferences and growth. IoT home/office provides solutions to family education and business team coordination, reduce stress to hit higher production. Just as their slogan saying: “We deal with the mess.”
Protocols are used to protect the information under each IoT system. There are strict rules defining levels of publicity of each data. Users need to agree to terms & policies in order to access the global internet of things. In special cases, certain people need to take assessments in order to determine if they are qualified for entering the IoT system.
wow this is really intersting. I was wodnering how you split up the responsibilties for each dimension of IOT. for example why is education handled nationally vs. locally? as it is now that’s kind of how education is placed, what if it wasn’t so much of a waterfall structure as it was a cross-platform structure. Just something I was thinking about!
In my imagination, education will be mostly customized by AI for each individual. Just as I described in the article, IoT home/office takes care of personal growth. So it customizes an all-day plan for you based on your preference & what works for you. Not just the traditional kind, but education can be everywhere in any subject matter.
IoT nation will allocate traditional educational resources (teacher, material, school construction) to regions that don’t get cover by IoT home/office.
Love the way you broke down a bigger picture into finer details from the world to ourselves and how accessing certain levels of information require a background check of the individuals (similar to applying for government positions requiring different levels of security from top secret to confidential).