Working as an interaction designer, I see IA as one of the most important parts of the design process. When I first learned IA in the foundation class, I didn’t realize that IA could be done much more than I expected until I got stuck with the system thinking for the experience design. Before, I kinda gave up IA for I thought other models such as the concept model, experience map, and workflow were complete enough. However, I felt mess up without having IA when we got into design, so I picked IA again.
I realized that IA can show the 5W+H as well. I first learned 5W+H in my industrial design class. 5W means Who, What, When, Where and Why, and H means How. We usually wrote the elements done with sentences, but now, IA is a better way to present those elements for sure.
The more projects I got into, the more familiar I use IA. I feel clear about the features I want to design. After finishing the research, the first step before the design is IA. As I fell in love with the system thinking, I am mainly in charge of the IA for group projects then.
When I collaborated with interior design students, we found out that IA was one of the tools that made all features been seen, no matter what major you were in. Although they had different design languages when designing, every teammate was clear with the features we should include.

Love the picture of notes that you provide! I totally agree that IA is really important for us. Thank you for your sharing.
This is definitely a necessary wall for busy students and workers! It always works for me when I feel messed about work. Yes I agree “Can’t Live without IA”
I agree that IA is an important part in the design process. I like your insights on using it to feel more clear on the features you needed to design. I think it can be extremely helpful and necessary for designing a product or service most efficiently and effectively.
I like your wall of posted notes, they clarified all the problems and goals.