By thinking in a way that is expansive in my opinion means to think of more than just the aesthetics of a product. Henry Dreyfuss once said, “on the other hand if people are made safer, more comfortable, more eager to purchase, more efficient—or just plain happier—by contact with the product, then the designer has succeeded.” This quote speaks volumes when talking about all the different parts of design and other aspects that come together; the mix of interdisciplinary learning and knowing the roles of other positions to be “right than the original; therefore, steer a course somewhere between daring and caution.”

I believe these concepts are still relevant today although some corporate companies are thinking more for profit as opposed to what’s right. While profit is an important factor for a product to grow and expand, I think it’s important to keep the “broad” mindset as the mid-century designers did. I believe one way to achieve this as designers is to create and stick with moral goals for your designs and constantly remind yourself of these goals, like a tattoo on your body.