Karl Gerstner was a leading representative of Swiss typography and one of the essential typography innovators, advertising graphics and corporate design. Ray Eames was an American artist, designer, and filmmaker. She was responsible for groundbreaking contributions in the photographic arts. Ladislav Sutnar was a graphic designer from Plzeň who was a pioneer of information design and information architecture.They are masters of visual design and information architecture, so we can say that Midcentury designers built the foundation of Interaction Design.

Henry Dreyfuss’s principle is designing for people(human-centred), he believes that designs need to improve our life quality,and as for a designer, it’s essential to understand users’ behaviour.

Thank you for your post with the beautiful graphic design samples, That really attracts me.
I would expand on the contributions from Ray Eames – she and her husband were pioneers in furniture design, toy design, as well as films as a means of understanding systems —most wouldn’t classify her as a photographic artist.
Although I think you pointed out some relevant information on these mid century designers, I don’t see the correlation of pictures you chose to show for Sutnar’s work to the pioneering of information design and architecture you mentioned for him.
Great work in summarize their body of work. I’d love to know more about how those works compared and contrasted.