

1:Navigation——This navigation is displayed on the glasses, leading them go to the stateroom.
2:Microphone—— Can contact other people and give instructions.
3:Screen on the wrist
4:Time——When the time reaches the alarm time, this device will play music.
5: Personal Information——Display the user’s health, such as heartbeat, and can display the user’s mental and physical evaluations.
6:Map——Users can look up addresses here and provide them with navigation.
7:Contact——Users can contact the body on this ship
8:Chip—— Track the user’s health.
Brainpal: a circular neural augmentation device surrounded by a dense network of antennae that sample the electric field of the brain and outputs through hardware integrated into the eyes and ears.
Very clear sketches with interesting ideas.
A heart-implanted chip??? Wild!!! I’m thinking the chip could be implemented for patients who need to monitor for a particular organ or body parts.
Oh, wait I forgot the brainpal, you remind me, brainpal is a circular neural augmentation device surrounded by a dense network of antennae that sample the electric field of the brain and outputs through hardware integrated into the eyes and ears. It seems that the chip doesn’t need to be inserted in the heart, but who knows in the future?
I like how you started out on what the functions of this device are and then create a product from it.
I appreicate this drawing. It illustrates how you designed an entire package for this product. From microphone to chip, everything is well-thoughtout!