My understanding of IA in IxD

I think information architecture is a kind of mindset or a pattern. It also supports interaction design and exists in interaction design. IA is one of the very important pillars of interaction design.

There is no doubt that information architecture and interaction design are strongly related. But the two are also very different.

Information structure focuses on the sorting, rearrangement, and induction of existing data and information. When we integrate considerable data by constructing IA, we do not modify or process the original data. We just use IA to make data easier for people to obtain effective information.
The interaction design goes deep into all aspects of user experience, so I need to consider whether the data itself as the object of presentation is suitable for my target users. If necessary, I will process the information to make it easier to understand.

For example, I am working on designing a sex education application. When I use IA to integrate information, I will pay more attention to how to use the conversion between screens, site maps, and filters to guide users to quickly and clearly find their needs. Knowledge and instill in them the knowledge they need to know. And if the overall interaction design is considered, I will definitely need to test whether my users can effectively read this information. If my target users are children under the age of ten, then I will need to avoid using obscure and complicated terminology and transform sex education knowledge into simpler images or storyboards that are easier for children to understand.

Modern mainstream information architecture thinking is not limited to data integration, sorting, and navigation in the Internet environment. It is a gradually mature ideological system, and it is everywhere. Through information architecture, designers can help people use and process appliances in life more quickly and conveniently. Whether it is for virtual mobile phone applications and websites, or for physical books and appliances, IA serves as an architecture for presenting the information. Make it easier for people to find what they want. The purpose of IA overlaps with interaction design. Using the information structure well, as an interaction designer, I can bring users a more convenient product experience. Just through the IA mindset, it is enough to make me think of more possibilities to further improve the design.

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