The early days of computers like the Macintosh and Windows, graphical user interfaces (GUIs) were very basic. The screens small, resolutions low, and simple, boxy windows, menus, and icons. You would use a mouse and keyboard to click on things and type commands. The design was limited by the technology of the time, so everything was flat, without much color or detail.
The evolution of GUIs became much more visually appealing and functional in decades to come. Now, we have high-resolution displays with vibrant colors and detailed designs. The look of icons and windows has become simpler and cleaner, but more modern and responsive.
Today, we interact with devices not just using a mouse and keyboard, but also by touching the screen, swiping, or even talking to them. Voice commands through digital assistants like Siri or Alexa have become common, and some devices even recognise gestures in the air. (thank you Graham)
Even though the basic idea of a GUI—clicking icons and using windows—has stayed the same, the ways we interact with computers have expanded.Our devices are faster, more intuitive, and work across different devices like phones, tablets, and computers.
The next stride in advancement is going to be voice and chat integration – where you will have a more life-like (human) experience with the computer, which understands your needs better and solves problems from ur shoes.
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