Ancient texts/symbols were often more complex than today’s abstracted icons. However, there were also some graphics whose appearance did not change much, still presented in a relatively simple and similar shape. At the same time, the meanings they represent may have changed or increased.
A simple example is “star”:

As you can see, the star in Egyptian hieroglyphics is elementary and intuitive. The pictographic characters of “star” are usually used to represent the night sky, the existence of gods, and eternal celestial bodies. Its shape is often a simple pentagon or hexagon, used to symbolize the stars in the sky, and has symbolic significance in religion and cosmology. This symbol carries profound ideas about the order of the universe and divine power and is part of the Egyptian religious and philosophical system.
And in Application “Instagram”, the star icon symbolizes what post you are truly a favorite. It conveys the meaning of “special” and “worthy of attention”, usually used for special markings.
“Star” presents a simple and easily recognizable shape with pentagonal or hexagonal symmetry in any civilization. At the same time, stars are used to mark or emphasize particularly important things: stars in the physical sense, gods in philosophy and religious systems; And the added meaning of “special attention” in modern times. They are all special, important, and highlighted.
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