KY – 2024 9 23
The birth of AI began in 1956 when four people sat down together and started brainstorming, and together they went to work on how to get computers to think and make decisions like people. It was only in 1990 that AI took off, and the AI language, which is the use of statistics and machine learning, began to break into different fields. It was also around 2000 that Internet slowly came into the public’s view creating more data that could be learned by AI.
Fei was involved in a project in 2009 where a human labeled 15 million images as a powerful database for open-source sharing (sigh, there are still a lot of good people out there). The latter is also a little bit about how it has completely changed the way people think about AI and data, even though it seems to us the norm for AI to learn to learn data autonomously and do
She talks about how AI is being used in a variety of fields, not just by individuals, but also by communities and societies that are slowly integrating it into their lives. But AI was born from a “clean math world” straight into a “messy human world”. This is one of the most interesting points for me, now AI is in a hype cycle, AI was born as a tool to help people, but people’s comments come from all over the world, but also with a great willingness to you do not know who is using AI, it is essentially the user’s problem.
In the video you can also see a lot of Fei in the discussion of some of the medical related cases she has done combined with AI, which is also a very good illustration of the fact that in the very early AI has been a little bit of integration into our daily life, and achieved very good results.
After watching this video, the biggest feeling is not to resist the birth of AI, on the contrary, we need to learn how to use it so that it becomes a tool to help themselves.
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