From PART1 you can learn about the story of Ada Lovelace (Ada Lovelace is known as the

first computer programmer for her work on Babbage’s Analytical Engine) and Charles

Babbage. This is not only the early history of computer science, but also the first

exploration of computer science. Modern computing and programming concepts.

Lovelace’s work, especially her anticipation of modern programming constructs such as

loops and if-then statements in translating and annotating Menabrea’s paper, was not

only a historical knowledge for me as a student in a computer science course, but also a

deeper understanding of the language. The feeling is in the code.

Lillian Gilbreth Her work influenced the efficiency and human aspects of systems and

processes. She was also an important figure in the fields of industrial psychology and

industrial engineering, and her multifaceted career combined psychology with scientific

management and engineering. This concept was introduced by her at the Dartmouth

College Scientific Management Conference in 1911. This is crucial for designing

user-friendly and effective interactive systems. (This is something I admire very much.

Being able to combine different professions is one of the important reasons why I study

interaction design). In her work, she helps industrial engineers realize the importance of

the psychological dimension in their work.

The work and ideas of these two designers have not only had a profound impact on technology

and design, but I personally think that they have transcended the boundaries of technology and

clearly and deeply understood the needs of users, thereby creating more innovative and practical

products. Design solutions. This is very similar to the JTBD theory we learned in the “Design

Research” course, which is very pioneering.

Research links on Lillian Moller Gilbreth knowledge:

Lillian Moller Gilbreth.” National Women’s History Museum, Accessed 12 Mar. 2024.