Xerox Star aimed for user-centered design, so it change the direction of computing

Xerox Start change the direction of computing in specific ways. First,  it was designed as an office automation system so everyone could use it. Before the invention of Xerorx Star, the computer was more commonly used in war and scientific computing, not to mention the size of the computer. The target user changed to working professionals, so much of the functionality focuses on the users rather than the machine itself. 

Second, a lot of features came with the Xerox Start when it was introduced to the world; it has a built-in Windows system, a mouse-driven interface, and icons that represent images., but it is simpler. Those features combined to make it unique compared to any other computers at that time. 

Last but not least, since the idea of the Xerox Star has a user-centered design approach, it has a series of components to help users navigate through the experiences. It contains generic commands to fit the general needs of working professionals and the visual interface in an order that is logical to understand. What is more, the accessibility concept might not yet developed, but they cover languages around the world besides the research country, English.