Who is Responsible for inventing New Technology?

From my personal opinion, I do not think all the responsibility should land on any single party to invent new technology, however, this should be a joint effort with each sector contributing at what it is best at. For example, I think the government is best at coming into the play with supporting technology innovations and funding and risk controlling stages. Having an official entity that could guide innovation towards a socially profitable direction might seem limiting at first but by looking back at previous technology advancements such as the Internet, we see the long-term sustaining benefits from government sponsored research and projects. Meanwhile, corporations are the best at making technologies commercially ready for general audiences. Corporations would also bring in market management in order to increase profitability, which results in emphasis on improving the product from a user-centered design thinking. Open source ventures might play a similar role but its mission to promote transparency and inclusivity through community-driven efforts helps build a healthy community around innovation. The community will become a complementary factor to the whole cycle of invention when fostering with the right leaders. To conclude, there is no single sector in the system that has the full responsibility and ability to induce inventing new technology but instead, the collaborative contributions from all is key to developing a sustainable and diverse ecosystem that fosters impactful invention.