Designing Peace Exhibition inspire the future of IXD Design

Three pieces in the exhibition moved me. Island Tracker and Papers, Please. They all represent every critical aspect of social design. The Paper Please in the show suggests, “How can design support a safe, healthy, respectful environment?” Where it presents a game to simulate real-life refugee and immigrant problems. It builds empathy for affected people, and people who played the game would acknowledge the importance of a respectful and supportive environment. 

The exhibition asked, “How can design embrace truth and dignity in a search for peace and justice?” In the example of Island Tracker, three countries battle over who should own the island. The tracker’s design provides transparency for three countries to view and check the progress of the situation. It avoids the war between the three countries. 

In conclusion, interaction design could be more than a user interface or user experience. It could be an excellent weapon for injustice or a weapon to hurt mankind. An interaction designer should be aware of our power and use it wisely and ethically in the work we put on the world.