The web 2.0 era brought many key interactivity features and changed the way people interact with web applications. web 2.0’s new interactions include wikis, software applications, social networking, general user-generated content. and crowdsourcing. These interactions turned the internet from a static information storehouse to a dynamic, interactive, and participatory platform in which users could actively engage with content and one another.
While the interactive techniques introduced during the web 2.0 era are still widely used, today (web 3.0) has built on them with more advanced advances and transformations. “The fundamental distinction is that Web 2.0 focuses on reading and writing content, whereas Web 3.0 focuses on creating content. the The latter is much better, utilizing technology to facilitate information interchange amongst web users while simultaneously enhancing cybersecurity.” (Ojasvi Nath)This is seen in several different ways, including more advanced technologies and concepts, such as artificial intelligence and machine learning. Advances in this area have led to a more convenient, intelligent and personalized experience for users. Of course, web 3.0 improves both accessibility and privacy compared to web 2.0, and all websites and applications strive to ensure that they are accessible to people of all abilities or specialties, while also implementing strong security measures to protect users’ books and privacy.
Kenton, Will. “What Is Web 2.0? Definition, Impact, and Examples.” Investopedia, Investopedia, 30 July 2023, www.investopedia.com/terms/w/web-20.asp#toc-web-20-vs-web-30.
Nath, Ojasvi. “Web 2 vs. Web 3: What’s The Difference and Why It Matters.” Spiceworks, 7 Sept. 2022, www.spiceworks.com/tech/tech-general/articles/web-2-vs-web-3/.