Twitter Icon vs. Egyptian Hieroglyphics

The “bird” icon of Twitter

Twitter’s “bird” icon is its iconic logo, “bird” also has the meaning of transmitting information and freedom, which is very consistent with the concept of communication and freedom of speech of Twitter, and represents the core features of Twitter.

The “bird” icon on Twitter’s home page serves as a link to the platform’s main activity center, allowing users to rapidly view and interact with the most recent tweets, news, and conversations within their network, which represents the primary goal of Twitter.

The icon symbolizes the freedom of speech of the users who use the app, and also metaphorically the quickness with which information and ideas are shared between users.

“Bird” in Egyptian Hieroglyphics

In Egyptian Hieroglyphic, “birds” are sacred symbols, depicted as protectors. They are often associated with religious beliefs and myths.

Understanding the “bird” symbols of Egyptian Hieroglyphics will explore a deeper and broader religious and cultural context. Different birds represent different gods or goddesses, such as the falcon associated with the god Horus, symbolized protection, kingship, and the sun’s journey across the sky.

The ”bird“ among the Egyptian Hieroglyphics also symbolize the connection between the gods and the earthly people, a metaphor that stems from their deep-rooted religious and cultural beliefs in the quality of the sacred.


There is a clear difference between the “bird” in the Twitter icon and the “bird” in Egyptian Hieroglyphics in terms of communication, concepts to learn, or metaphors used. The metaphor employed in the Twitter “bird” icon are more basic and in line with modern communication concepts, whereas the Egyptian hieroglyphic “bird” symbols have rich and multifaceted meanings that are firmly ingrained in ancient Egyptian beliefs and practices.