I chose a social software “Instagram”. I think the most classic example is “Search”. It looks like a magnifying […]
In ancient India Seba symbolized one of the symbols of the stars. That’s why there are a dozen symbols […]
Ada Lovelace 被誉为世界上第一位程序员,她为计算机编写算法,提出计算机不只是数字运算,还可以用来处理音乐和图像。这和今天人工智能的发展很相似,在他们那个时代是非常有前瞻性的。Lillian Gilbreth 对人体工程学也有重大影响,提出在设计时要考虑人的生理和心理特征。我想这两者结合,恰恰就是交互设计中最重要的领域,计算机和人的关系。
Both Ada Lovelace and Lillian Gilbreth played important roles in the development of interaction design. Lovelace believed that machines […]
I compare the icon of sun in the weather app with the sun icon in Egyptian hieroglyphics. They […]
Ada Lovelace and Lillian Gilbreth are important people in the history of interaction design because they created the way […]
Twitter Little Blue Bird is a global social networking platform, “Little Blue Bird” represents the concept of “instant messaging”: […]
In the iOS Health app, the “heart” icon represents different aspects of heart health, like heart rate, blood pressure, […]
I took the screenshots of the WeChat “scan” icon and the YouTube “like” and “dislike” icons and an Egyptian […]
Gestalt Principles & Fitts’s Law When designing interactive interfaces, there are two aspects that can help improve the user […]